Research on Optimization of New Engineering Humanities General Education Courses Based on Outcome-based Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2700

Yingjie Nie, Jinghui Zhou, Kaihua Wang

Dalian Polytechnic University


In view of the characteristics of humanities general education and the requirements of engineering education certification, benchmarking the Engineering Education Certification Standards, this paper introduces the concept of outcome-based education, with excellent engineering talents’ humanities indicators as the expected learning outcomes, humanities general education courses as core, grasps the development laws and practical paths of humanities general education, analyzes the reasonable direction of innovative development of humanities and general education courses in engineering majors under the new situation.


outcome-based education, “New Engineering”, general education courses


2023 Research Project of School of Foreign Languages, School of Foreign Languages, Dalian Polytechnic University : “Research and Practice on the Teaching of Humanities and General Education Courses Based on OBE concept


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Copyright © 2024 Yingjie Nie, Jinghui Zhou, Kaihua Wang

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