Exploration and Research on Talent Cultivation for Industry-Education Integration of Big Data Technology in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2695

Guanghui Yin, Ying Chen

Xianning Vocational Technical College


With the rapid development of information technology, big data has become an important force for social progress. Under such a background, the education carried out for big data majors in major universities across the country has become more and more extensive, and in order to improve the quality of education and teaching, the integration of industry and education in big data majors is very necessary, especially the higher vocational colleges and universities, as an important base for cultivating high-end technological talents, are paying more attention to the major of big data technology and application. Therefore, how to effectively train talents so that they can meet the needs of the development of big data industry has become an urgent problem. As an effective talent cultivation mode, the integration of industry and education has shown great potential in the big data technology major of higher vocational colleges and universities. Based on this, this paper will explore and study the talent cultivation of industry-teaching fusion in big data technology majors in higher vocational colleges, with a view to providing reference and guidance for the later development of the work.


big data, industry-education integration, talent cultivation


Special project on informatization of vocational education in Xianning and the intelligent research and training platform of National Center for Educational Technology (2023JKYXXH014).


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