The Application of Chinese-English Translation in Urban Language Landscapes: An Analysis of Cultural Adaptability and Functionality

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2694

Xiaoying Xue, Yumei Huang

School of Foreign Languages, Gansu University of Political Science and Law


This study aims to explore the application of Chinese-English translation in urban language landscapes and analyze its performance in terms of cultural adaptability and functionality. Through field surveys and content analysis of language landscapes such as public signs, directional signs, and advertisements in multiple cities, this study reveals the current status and issues of Chinese-English translation in conveying information, reflecting cultural characteristics, and meeting functional needs. The research finds that despite efforts made by many cities in Chinese-English translation, there are still issues such as cultural misunderstandings, pragmatic failures, and functional inadequacies. To address these issues, this study proposes a series of improvement suggestions to improve the effectiveness of Chinese-English translation in urban language landscapes, promote effective cultural dissemination, and advance the internationalization process of cities.


Chinese-English translation, language landscapes, cultural adaptability, functionality


This article is the periodic results of Gansu Provincial Innovation Fund Project for Higher Education Institutions “Research on Chinese-English Translation of Gansu’s Language Landscape from the Perspective of Soft Power” ( No. 2022A-099).


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Copyright © 2024 Xiaoying Xue, Yumei Huang

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