Exploring the Integration of Chinese Traditional Culture into the Civics of University Programs

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2693

Yajuan Xu

Northwestern Polytechnical University;Harbin Engineering University


According to the Guiding Principles of Civic and Political Construction of Higher Education Programs, the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture is an important content of the construction of Civic and Political Construction of Programs. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the value of Chinese excellent traditional culture and its strategy in integrating into university's Civics classroom. The classics of Chinese excellent traditional culture contain the ideological essence and contemporary value of "preaching benevolence, emphasizing the people's principle, abiding by honesty and integrity, advocating justice, advocating harmony, and seeking for a commonwealth", which is an important ideological resource for establishing the correct values of college students. Exploring the path and method of integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into the university curriculum, integrating the silent infiltration effect of Chinese excellent traditional culture with the curriculum, will help to fulfill the function of the university curriculum, help to improve the teachers' ability of cultural cultivation, and help to cultivate socialist builders and successors who are all-rounded in morality, intellectuality, physicality, and aesthetics


Chinese excellent traditional culture, curriculum ideology and politics, strategy exploration, cultural nurturing


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