An Analysis of the Mode of Integrating Red Culture into Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of "Three-wide Education"

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2692

Zhenwei Sun, Yanhui Ma

Harbin University of Science and Technology


Under the background of the new era, China's higher education is facing unprecedented development opportunities and challenges. In order to further improve the quality of personnel training, the educational circles put forward the educational concept of "three-wide education," that is, all-member education, whole-process education and all-round education. In this context, red culture, as an educational resource with rich connotation, is particularly important in the integration of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The integration of red culture into ideological and political education in colleges and universities will help guide students to establish a correct world outlook, values and outlook on life, and cultivate young people with red beliefs and firm ideals and beliefs in the new era. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the connotation of red culture under the framework of "three-wide education" to explore the current situation and problems, and to propose corresponding solutions.


“three-wide education”, red culture, ideological and political education, English education


"A Study of Teaching Mode of Critical Thinking Ability on Ideological and Political Theory Education in College English Reading Course" Teaching and Research General Project of Harbin University of Science and Technology (No.320210001)


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