Strategies for the Application of Digital Means in Teaching University Physics

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2691

Min Peng, Xinyu Wei

Xinjiang Institute of Engineering


The National Education Work Conference proposes that in the new period, it is necessary to continuously deepen the digital reform of physics teaching in colleges and universities, strengthen the exchange of physics teaching innovation, and strive to improve the quality of teaching of basic physics courses and the quality of training of high-quality and innovative talents. This paper argues that this is an inevitable requirement to adapt to the changing needs of the high-tech industry and the new education model. This paper analyses the challenges faced by the application of digital means of university physics teaching from three perspectives: technological resources, teachers' roles and students' training, and points out that digital teaching not only requires the integration of innovative technologies and resources, but also needs to pay attention to the students' personalized needs, the cultivation of interdisciplinary abilities and the reform of the teaching assessment methods, hoping to provide a better solution to the challenges faced by the universities. It is hoped that it can provide reference and reference for the digital reform of university physics teaching.


digital teaching and learning, university physics, digital resources, teaching and learning assessment


This paper is one of the phased achievements of the ideological and political construction of College Physics (Part 1) course in Xinjiang Institute of Engineering in 2024 (project number: XJGC202418).


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