The Construction of College English and the Teaching Model of "Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in All Courses"

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2690

Yang Na

Harbin Far East Institute of Technology


College English is a public basic course for students in higher education, it aims at cultivating students’ comprehensive English application ability, adapting to the requirements of international communication and cooperation, especially in listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. Doing a good job in college English teaching is of great significance for improving the comprehensive quality of college students and enhancing their international competitiveness. Integrating college English with the "ideological and political theories" teaching model can use English teaching as a carrier to deeply explore ideological and political elements, cultivate students’ ideological and moral qualities, patriotism spirit, and social responsibility, achieve the dual goals of knowledge imparting and value guidance, promote students’ comprehensive development, and have profound significance for cultivating compound talents with international vision and local sentiment.


college English, "ideological and political theories teaching in all courses", integration, teaching mode, course construction


The Third Series of Ideological and Political Education in Curriculum Demonstration Projects in Heilongjiang Province


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