Exploration of English Translation Teaching in Higher Education Institutions from the Perspective of Situated Cognition

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2687

Shuangting Ge

Jiamusi University


Translation teaching is an important part of English teaching in colleges and universities. With the continuous deepening of Reform and Opening-up, the demand for modern translation talents in China is also increasing. How to do a good job in English translation teaching in colleges and universities has become an important part of educational reform and development. As the saying goes: “Knowledge starts with practice”. This article analyzes the application of Situated Cognition theory in English translation teaching in universities, and proposes strategies for English translation teaching based on Situated Cognition theory. The aim of this article is to promote the development of higher education, improve the quality of English translation teaching, and promote the all-rounded development of students.


Situated Cognition, College English, translation teaching


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