Red Culture Education Dissemination in Rural Schools under the Perspective of New Media——Taking the Primary School of Liushui Town, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province as an Example

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2686

Chengshuo Zha

Xi’an Polytechnic University


Red culture education in rural schools is a very important part of the current rural education system, which can effectively help rural students cultivate patriotic feelings. However, because of the geographical location and insufficient resources, the red culture education in Rushui Primary School is relatively lagging behind. The school mainly conveys the revolutionary spirit to students by telling revolutionary stories and watching patriotic movies, etc. The lack of interactivity and practicability leads to limited educational effects. The Running Water Primary School is also deficient in integrating red education resources, the school fails to fully explore the rich local red resources, and it is difficult to integrate red cultural education into the daily curriculum, resulting in a single form of education, and it is difficult for students to fully understand the connotation of the red spirit. However, the effective application of new media in the current red culture education in rural schools can help to improve this situation, so the use of new media to strengthen the red culture education in rural schools has become an effective initiative in the teaching reform of the elementary school in the flow of water. In this paper, we will take the elementary school in Liushui Town, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, as an example to explore the reform and innovation of red cultural education in rural schools under the perspective of new media, and hope that it can provide an effective reference for the development of red cultural education in rural schools in other areas.


new media, rural schools, red culture education


2023 National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students "Red Township Classroom" Red Culture Education Workshop for Rural Schools - Opening in Primary and Middle Schools of Liushui Township, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province"


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