Research on Training Mode of Civil Aviation Talents based on "Two Foreign Languages and One Connotation

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2185

Linjie Xu1, Zaida Mustafa2

1. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak;Hebei Normal University for Nationalities
2. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak


With the rapid development of China's civil aviation industry, the demand for talents is increasing day by day, and the optimization and improvement of talent training mode has become an important issue. This research is based on the idea of "two foreign and one connotation", the civil aviation talent training mode is deeply studied. "Second foreign language" refers to the service orientation and international teaching vision for the civil aviation industry, and "one connotation" refers to the connotation of talent training with quality education as the core. Through research, it is found that this training mode is more in line with the national strategic needs and the actual situation of the civil aviation industry, and can effectively improve the quality of students and meet the needs of China's civil aviation industry for high-quality talents. At the same time, the research proposes to strengthen the construction of teaching team, improve the quality of teaching, introduce high-quality teaching resources, strengthen the cultivation of students' practical ability and professional quality, and further improve and develop the talent training mode. The results of this study not only provide a new thinking and direction for the training of civil aviation talents, but also provide a reference for the training of talents in other fields.


civil aviation personnel training, the connotation of two foreign languages, quality education, teaching quality


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Copyright © 2024 Linjie Xu, Zaida Mustafa

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