Problems and Trends of College Students' Ideological and Political Education and Student Management under the Concept of “Three Comprehensive

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2184

Lei Wang

China West Normal University


With the changes of the times and the progress of society, the status and role of higher education in cultivating talents and promoting social development have become more and more prominent. As the core task of higher education, the concept of "three comprehensive education" aims to achieve the all-round development of students, covering moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor and other aspects, which puts forward new requirements and challenges for college students' ideological and political education and student management. This paper will discuss the problems and trends faced by college students' ideological and political education and student management under the guidance of the concept of "three comprehensive education", and put forward corresponding countermeasures, in order to provide reference and reference for the reform and development of college education.


three comprehensive education, ideological and political education, student management, trends and countermeasures


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