Research on the Digital Competency Improvement Strategy of Rural Teachers in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2183

Wenming Zhao

School of Educational Sciences, Yili Normal University


In recent years, under the background of accelerating the pace of digital construction, various industries have achieved significant development, and social production and living standards have been efficiently improved. Among them, the application of digital technology and equipment in education can alleviate the imbalance of educational resources to a certain extent, and can also enrich students' learning horizons and broaden their learning thinking, which is of great significance to promote students' better development and progress. It can be found that the application of information technology in education and teaching can significantly improve the quality of teaching, but due to the lack of digital competence of teachers, it is difficult to guarantee the improvement of education quality, and even breeds new problems, which will also have an adverse impact on student development. This paper focuses on the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang as an example, and explores the problems, key points and improvement strategies in the development of rural teachers' digital competency, in order to provide support for the improvement of rural teachers' digital competency.


Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, rural teachers, digital competency, improvement strategy


General Project of the Institute of Educational Sciences, Yili Normal University: Research on the Digital Competency Improvement Strategy of Rural Teachers in Ili Prefecture, Xinjiang (Project No.: JKS202304)


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