Research on the Development Path of Parent-child Tourism from the Perspective of Social Learning Theory

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2181

Yuan Zhang

Jining Normal University


Parent-child tourism as a new form of tourism in the rapid development of our country, but from the perspective of social learning theory of development path research factors are less. This paper uses the social learning theory as the theoretical support, puts forward the basic framework, and discusses its development path. Social learning theory reveals how parent-child learning behaviors and relationships affect parent-child travel needs and satisfaction. Through questionnaire survey, interview and data analysis, the research results show that the role interaction, educational learning experience and family emotional communication between parents and children are the main driving factors of parent-child travel needs; And tourism products and services, destination choice and tourism policies are the key influencing factors of parent-child travel satisfaction. Therefore, the development path of parent-child tourism should focus on meeting these needs and improving satisfaction, including optimizing tourism products and services, expanding tourism destinations, promoting family education policies and other diversified strategies. This provides a new perspective and inspiration for the future development of parent-child tourism products and service optimization in both theoretical and practical circles.


parent-child tourism, social learning theory, satisfaction with needs


Culture and Tourism Development of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2023: "Empirical Research on Public Service Satisfaction of Parent-Child Tourism in Inner Mongolia", project number: 2023-WL0044


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