Research on the Mode of University-enterprise Cooperation in Multiple Cooperative Education of Higher Education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2180

Linjie Xu1, Zaida Mustafa2

1. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak;Hebei Normal University for Nationalities
2. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak


By using the methods of literature analysis, comparative analysis and investigation, this paper discusses the current situation and challenges of school-enterprise cooperative education model in China's higher education. The research results show that through the introduction of enterprise resources, break the shackles of internal resources in schools, can achieve the improvement of higher education quality and the cultivation of innovation ability, which proves the effectiveness and necessity of school-enterprise cooperation model. However, due to the lack of effective coordination mechanism between some schools and enterprises, the potential benefits of school-enterprise cooperative education mode cannot be fully brought into play. Therefore, this study advocates the construction of a diversified collaborative education model, that is, schools, enterprises and other social resources participate in and cross-integrate, to form a composite and innovative higher education model. Specifically, it includes the construction of effective communication mechanism, the improvement of cooperation contract system, the establishment of mutual benefit distribution mechanism and so on.


school-enterprise cooperation, higher education model, diversified cooperative education, joint participation of resources


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Copyright © 2024 Linjie Xu, Zaida Mustafa

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