Strengthening the Value Significance and Practice Path of Kindergarten Labor Education in the New Era

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2179

Yuan Zhang1, Zaida Mustafa2

1. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak;Jining Normal University
2. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak


Under the background of the new era, the problem of strengthening kindergarten labor education is gradually prominent. The purpose of this study is to explore the value significance and practice path of strengthening kindergarten labor education in the new era. The research methods include literature research, case analysis and investigation. The research found that strengthening labor education can cultivate children’s good moral character and living habits, further enhance children’s innovative spirit and practical ability, and lay a foundation for children's all-round development. At the same time, through the sharing of practical experience of kindergarten labor education, a series of practical paths such as taking children's life experience as educational content, integrating collection and practical activities, and carrying out labor education in the way of games are put forward. These practical paths have achieved remarkable results in practical application. In general, strengthening the kindergarten labor education is a very valuable task, we need to explore and strengthen in practice. This study is expected to provide useful reference and enlightenment for the practice of kindergarten labor education.


new era,kindergarten labor education, value significance,practice path


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