Experimental Teaching Reform of Animal Food Hygiene under Talent Training Model

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2176

Zhen Wang

School of Animal Science and Technology, Shihezi University


In order to solve the problem that the experimental teaching system of animal food hygiene is out of date and out of line with the actual demand, this study carried out a comprehensive teaching reform. The study repositioned the curriculum, optimized the teaching content, increased the proportion of practical projects, introduced the experimental base training and modern food testing technology, and continuously expanded the scope of application to improve students' practical ability. Through tracking and observation, it has been found that the reform effectively improved students' hands-on ability, and made the combination of theoretical teaching and practical teaching more closely. The result of this reform is of great value to the cultivation of high-quality talents, the docking of social needs, and the improvement of food safety testing level. The research will continue to deepen research, promote innovation in experimental teaching, and contribute to training more outstanding food hygiene talents.


talent training mode, animal food hygiene, experimental teaching reform


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