Research on the Innovation Mechanism of “Internet + Education” in Rural Schools in Xinjiang

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i8.2175

Wenming Zhao

Yili Normal University


With the continuous development of information technology, “Internet + education”, as a new type of education model, is gradually changing the traditional education mode. Therefore, this paper studies the innovative mechanism of "Internet + education" in rural schools in Xinjiang, aiming to break the limitations of time and space, improve the quality and efficiency of education, and promote the process of education informatization.


Xinjiang, rural schools, Internet + education, innovation


Yili Normal University University-level Research General Project: Research on the Digital Competency Improvement Strategy of Rural Teachers in Yili Region, Xinjiang (Project No.: 2019YSDX016)


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