The course teaching of rock color painting technique

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i5.1436

Zhensheng ZHOU

University of Mongolian Studies


Rock color painting is a kind of traditional painting in China, which has strong cultural heritage and artistic charm, and has attracted wide attention for its unique charm and artistic expression. The teaching of rock painting techniques is an important part of rock painting education. It aims to inherit and develop traditional Chinese painting skills, cultivate students' understanding of rock painting and creative ability, and guide students to master the basic techniques and expression techniques of rock painting through systematic teaching arrangements and practical operations to make them show individuality and innovation in creation and cultivate their unique sense and understanding of beauty. The purpose of this paper is to explore the teaching methods and strategies of rock painting techniques course, so as to improve students' understanding and application ability of rock painting techniques and promote the inheritance and innovative development of traditional Chinese painting techniques.


rock color painting; techniques; course teaching


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