An Exploration of L1-Based Learning Strategies in Second Language Grammar Learning by Interviewing an EFL Learner

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v4i3.998

Chang Cheng

The University of Sydney


English as a foreign language (EFL) or English as a second language (ESL) is necessary for learners as it is essential for effective and efficient communication. In this sense, it is significant for EFL/ESL learners to adopt effective language learning strategies (LLS) to develop their grammatical knowledge and facilitate their grammar learning. This study aims to investigate the use of L1 as LLS in English grammar learning by a Chinese EFL learner. This study first focuses on the theoretical framework of LLS. Then, important findings will be discussed with literature support. Similarities and differences between the interviewee and the writer will be then provided. Finally, implications for EFL teachers and learners will be discussed. And limitations of this study and further research directions will also be illustrated and explained.


L1-based learning strategies; English as a foreign language (EFL); English grammar learning


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