Stop Propagating the Bullying Myths

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v4i2.798

Wenjie Zhang

Faculty of Education,The University of Hong Kong


Bullying is a pernicious problem in schools all over the world. However, some bullying myths are widely believed, such as "Bullying is a natural behavior for children, and there is nothing you can do to stop it". This argument receives very little support from the objective literature. Nearly all research reports prove that dissatisfaction with bullying is a natural behavior. This article first introduces the definition and current situation of bullying, and then the origins of bullying. Next it talks about the effectiveness of the anti-bullying program, and the suggestions to clarify this misconception. Finally, the recommendations are provided for teachers, parents, and policymakers to reduce school bullying effectively and help more kids feel safe, accepted, and have a sense of belonging in their schools.


myths; bullying; prevention


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