Probe into the Teaching Reform Thinking of "University Physics" in Local Universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v3i4.481

Yi Wang, Fu Dai, Donghua Fan

School of Applied Physics and Materials, Wuyi University


For students from local undergraduate universities with generally poor foundation of mathematics and physics, there are indeed many problems in the current course teaching of "University Physics". How to reform the college physics course teaching of this kind of local colleges and universities, which account for more than 70% of the national colleges and universities, so as to truly meet the requirements of talent training goal, course teaching goal and achievement degree under the concept of OBE, and lay a solid physics foundation in their professional learning and development is an important topic worth exploring together. Here, some superficial personal views are presented.


teaching reform "University Physics"; OBE concept; objective achievement scale


Materials Science and Engineering Provincial Featured Professional Project (GDJX2019006); Guangdong University Physics Teaching Team Project (GDJX2018003)


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Copyright © 2021 Yi Wang, Fu Dai, Donghua Fan

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