Research on Protection and Renewal of Traditional Ethnic Minority Areas in Xinjiang

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v2i3.168

Dan Jiang

Xinjiang Normal University


Historical and cultural area is an important part of urban settlement heritage space, and also an important carrier to inherit regional culture and rebrand the vitality of the old city. Based on the special regional tradition and religious culture of Xinjiang minority, and considering the problems such as the conflict between protection and renewal commonly encountered in the process of large-scale urbanization in recent years, this paper puts forward organic renewal approaches for historical and cultural areas, which is of great significance to the urban planning and development of western ethnic minority areas.


regional culture; ethnic minorities; historical and cultural areas; protection and renewal


Research on Cultural Landscape Heritage Corridor of Xinjiang Section of Silk Road, Project Number: XJEDU2017RS048


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