On Risk Management of Supply Chain Finance in Commercial Banks

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2378

Ming Liu

Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


With the change of economic environment, every bank in our country has begun to carry on the innovation reform of financial model, the bank competition becomes more and more intense. In particular, the commercial banking system attaches more importance to the innovation and development of financial models, and innovative financial models have become an important way for major banks to seize the market. At present, some banks have created new credit models, formed a new supply chain credit financial system by making full use of the content of customer data information database, in order to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized micro enterprises, and further promote the reform of the financial supply side. However, because this kind of financing method has certain limitations, it will inevitably be accompanied by corresponding risks when it is implemented. This paper mainly discusses the risk management of supply chain finance in commercial banks.


commercial bank, supply chain finance, risk management


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