Balanced Incentives: The Complex Dynamic Relationship Between Executive Compensation and Organizational Performance

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2364

Xinglong Li

University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK


This article examines the multifaceted impact of executive compensation packages on corporate performance, innovation, and ethical conduct. Utilizing agency theory and stakeholder theory, it explores how these packages motivate executives, align their interests with shareholders, and promote broader stakeholder engagement. Well-structured compensation packages enhance executive motivation, reduce conflicts, and foster innovation and social responsibility. Empirical evidence suggests a positive correlation between executive pay structures and firms' innovative output. However, potential pitfalls such as short-termism and unethical behavior necessitate a balanced approach. The study emphasizes the importance of designing compensation packages that drive performance, uphold ethical standards, and align with societal values. Through case studies and empirical research, it advocates for incentivizing executives based on both financial performance and ethical conduct.


executive compensation, agency theory, stakeholder theory, corporate performance


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