An Empirical Study on the Supply-Demand Matching of Zhejiang Rural Cultural Auditorium Service

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2360

Lina Mao, Aoxue Zhao, Rongqing Zhu, Rong Pu

College of Management, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou 314500, Zhejiang, China


In the context of building a strong cultural country to achieve spiritual wealth and promoting the high-quality development of public cultural services, cultural auditoriums, as the physical space and content carrier of rural public culture, have far-reaching impact on rural revitalization and strengthening of rural cultural construction. After 11 years of development, the number and quality of cultural auditoriums have greatly improved. However, there are still issues with public participation, content, and the depth of cultural activities. To explore the matching of supply and demand, this study reviewed existing literature, service norms, and other related documents in the service industry. An evaluation system of cultural auditorium service elements was developed, and a matching model of supply and demand was constructed to calculate the degree of matching of supply and demand of cultural auditorium services. The degree of matching of cultural auditorium service supply and demand of villagers with different characteristics was analyzed in detail. This helps to collect and analyze the villagers' demand in a targeted manner and optimize the service content and quality of cultural auditoriums. Optimize the service content and service level of cultural auditoriums.


cultural auditorium, public cultural services, matching supply and demand, matching degree


Communication University of Zhejiang Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Project,An Empirical Study on the Supply-Demand Matching of Zhejiang Rural Cultural Auditorium Service, Project No.: 202311647010


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Copyright © 2024 Lina Mao, Aoxue Zhao, Rongqing Zhu, Rong Pu

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