Analysis of the Collaborative Development Relationship between Chinese Rural E-commerce and Regional Economy

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2353

Yuxuan Chen

University of Minnesota Twin Cities, US


With the rapid development and popularization of Internet technology, Chinese rural e-commerce has played an increasingly important role in promoting coordinated regional economic development. It not only changes the traditional sales model of agricultural products, but also opens up new paths for the diversified development of rural economy. This article focuses on the problems existing in the process of coordinated development between Chinese rural e-commerce and regional economy, and conducts in-depth exploration of the relationship between Chinese rural e-commerce and coordinated development of regional economy. Based on the actual situation, optimization strategies are proposed.


rural e-commerce, regional economy, collaborative development


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Copyright © 2024 Yuxuan Chen

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