Research on the Path of Natural Research Helping Rural Revitalization — Take Dazhuyuan Village in Anji as an Example

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2352

Shiyue Hu

Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, Zhejiang, China


The current rural revitalization faces challenges such as population loss and aging, single industrial structure, and relatively backward cultural level. Among the many paths of rural revitalization research, natural research activities analyze and study the local culture of rural areas in the study area, combined with the scientific development concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. While improving the current difficulties of rural population loss and aging, single industrial structure, and relatively backward cultural level, they also achieve the inheritance and development of local excellent traditional culture, optimize rural population structure, promote rural economic development, and explore local cultural genes. This article conducts typical research and reflection on the path of natural research to assist rural revitalization, combined with Anji Dazhuyuan Village. In general, this article takes Anji Dazhuyuan Village as an example to study the path of natural research to assist rural revitalization. Starting from the scientific theoretical perspective of "harmonious development between humans and nature", and combining relevant practical experience, it objectively analyzes and evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of this type of assistance plan, providing ideas for the path research of rural revitalization to a certain extent.


rural revitalization, natural research, cultural heritage, common prosperity


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