Research on Cost-Effectiveness Optimization of Hydrogen-Powered Buses from the Perspective of Green Supply Chain

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2347

Leying Yu, Chao Tang, Hui Tan, Anqi Peng

Guangzhou City University of Technology, Guangzhou 510400, Guangdong, China


This study examines optimizing the cost-effectiveness of hydrogen-powered buses within the green supply chain framework. Given the urgency of climate change, green supply chains and new energy transportation are crucial for sustainable development. Hydrogen-powered buses, as eco-friendly and efficient transport, have vast potential in public transportation but are hindered by high costs. Studying their cost-effectiveness optimization is thus theoretically and practically significant. The article explores the relationship between green supply chain and cost-effectiveness optimization of these buses, suggests optimization strategies, and discusses challenges and countermeasures to foster their market development and green transformation of public transportation.


hydrogen-powered buses; fuel cell; cost-effectiveness optimization; green supply chain; carbon reduction


Guangdong Provincial Special Funds for Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Project "Research on Carbon Emission Reduction Benefits of Hydrogen-powered Buses Based on the Green Supply Chain Perspective under the Dual Carbon Goals" (pdjh2022b0762)


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Copyright © 2024 Leying Yu, Chao Tang, Hui Tan, Anqi Peng

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