Development Trends and Risk Response Strategies of Health Insurance in the Digital Era

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i3.2273

Jiaming Zuo

Everbright Actuarial Consulting Limited, Hong Kong, China


In the context of modern technological development, the insurance industry faces unprecedented opportunities. Under the impact of the digital era, the industry is undergoing a transformation where digitalization, intelligence, and personalization have become trends. This paper primarily focuses on the digital era to analyze the development trends of digital health insurance in the new period, elucidates the current development risks, and proposes countermeasures based on the current situation. By employing effective measures and methods, digital health insurance can create a new insurance ecosystem, recognize the problems faced in the new market environment, and further improve and innovate.


digital era, health insurance, trends


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Copyright © 2024 Jiaming Zuo

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