How Member Heterogeneity Affects Organizational Innovation: Team Innovation Integration Model

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i2.1982

Gaibian Wang, Yuqiu Hu

Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China


People are the key to the realization of organizational innovation, but most of the existing studies focus on the effectiveness of leaders to organizational innovation, ignoring the innovation ability of grassroots teams. Based on the perspective of conflict transformation, this paper integrates multi-dimensional conceptual categories such as team heterogeneity, team conflict and organizational innovation, and constructs a team innovation integration model with systematic dynamic characteristics. The establishment of the model not only provides a framework for the research of organizational innovation at the team level in the academic field, but also provides practical application value for the improvement of organizational innovation ability.


organization innovation, team conflict, team heterogeneity, team innovation integration model


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