Can Managers' Short-Sightedness Be Reversed Through Close and Clean Business-government Relationships?
Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v5i2.1981
This research uses a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2017 to 2020 to empirically evaluate, based on institutional theory, the influence of close and clean government-business relationships on managers' shortsighted conduct. Close and clean government-business relationship can effectively inhibit managers' short-sighted behavior, and both close government-business relationship and clean government-business relationship can effectively inhibit managers' short-sighted behavior. Government services are mostly employed in the closeness aspect to encourage managers to create long-term goals, and in the cleanness aspect to restrain managers' opportunistic behavior through government integrity and transparency. Managers' shortsighted behavior is inhibited by close and clean government-business relationships, and this effect is especially pronounced in state-owned firms where institutional investors own a significant number of the shares.
business-government relationships, close and clean business-government relationships, managers' short-sightedness
The project initiated by Hunan Provincial Audit Office: A collaborative study on the integration of Audit Supervision with Intra-Party Supervision and Administrative Supervision (Project Number: 23SJYB0301)
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[22]CAO Guohua, YANG Junjie, LIN Chuan. CEO reputation and investment myopia behavior [J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2017,31(4):45-51.
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