Business Model Innovation and Corporate Competitive Advantages in the Digital Economy Era

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v3i6.2266

Yuli Wang

St Dominic Savio College, the Philippines


In the digital economy era, enterprises face unprecedented challenges and opportunities driven by the rapid advancement of digital technologies. To thrive in this dynamic environment, enterprises must continuously innovate their business models to create and capture value in new ways. This paper explores the relationship between business model innovation and corporate competitive advantage in the context of digital transformation. Drawing on the resource-based view, dynamic capabilities framework, and other theoretical perspectives, this paper examines the characteristics, mechanisms, and strategies of business model innovation in the digital age. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis of representative cases, we identify three key trends shaping business model innovation: digitalization, platformization, and intelligentization. We argue that enterprises need to leverage these trends to design customer-centric value propositions, build digital capabilities, construct open and collaborative value networks, and foster an agile and innovative organizational culture. Our findings highlight the importance of value creation, value capture, and value network effects in driving competitive advantage through business model innovation. We propose a framework that integrates these mechanisms with the core components of business models, providing a holistic and systemic view of business model innovation in the digital economy. We also discuss the implications of our research for theory and practice, emphasizing the need for further studies on the dynamics and outcomes of business model innovation in different contexts and industries. This paper contributes to the growing literature on business model innovation and competitive strategy in the digital age. By bridging the gaps between different theoretical perspectives and providing actionable insights for practitioners, we aim to advance the understanding and application of business model innovation as a key driver of corporate competitive advantage. Our research suggests that enterprises that can effectively align their business models with the evolving digital landscape will be better positioned to create and sustain superior performance in the face of increasing complexity and uncertainty.


business model innovation, competitive advantage, digital economy, digital transformation, value creation, value capture, value networks, platform business models, ecosystem strategy, dynamic capabilities, resource-based view, digitalization


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