Research on the Integration of Ideological and Political Education with Professional Practice Teaching for Undergraduates

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i4.2614

Junxia An

College of Life Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China


Ideological and political education is a valuable tradition and unique political advantage of our country. It is also a crucial tool for universities to maintain the correct political direction, accomplish the fundamental task of cultivating moral character, and train youth with the "Four Virtues" in the new era. In the context of unprecedented changes in a century, with increasingly complex internal and external environments, it is urgent to further strengthen ideological and political education for undergraduates. Ideological and political education is not an abstract concept; it must be closely integrated with professional practice teaching to maximize its effectiveness. How to better promote the in-depth integration of these two aspects in terms of concepts, content, carriers, and models, and how to find effective entry points and integration paths, has always been a challenging issue in the field. Based on this, this paper explores the relationship between ideological and political education and professional practice teaching from a theoretical perspective, outlines the significance of their integration, analyzes current difficulties and issues in teaching, and proposes integration paths focusing on concepts, infrastructure, reform and innovation, methods, and team building. It is hoped that this paper will provide some references for the field.


ideological and political education; professional education; integration paths


Lanzhou Youth Science and Technology Talent Project (2023-QN-72)


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