Exploration of Teaching New Energy Materials and Technology with Integrated Ideological and Political Education: A Case Study on the Curriculum "Key Materials and Technologies in Post-Lithium-Ion Batteries"

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i3.2470

Xin Li

School of Materials and Chemistry, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


This paper discusses the integration of ideological and political education within the curriculum "Key Materials and Technologies in Post-Lithium-Ion Batteries", aligning with President Xi's guidelines on fostering virtue through education and the national 14th Five-Year Plan for renewable energy development. The curriculum aims to impart professional knowledge while enhancing students' professional identity, national consciousness, and sense of social responsibility. The study covers curriculum design, strategies for integrating ideological elements, and the assessment of teaching effect. It concludes with insights into contributions to the ideological and political construction of higher education curricula and suggests continuous optimization and interdisciplinary cooperation.


ideological and political education; new energy materials; post-lithium-ion batteries; general education; fostering virtue through education


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