Status and Prospects of Higher Education Cooperation between China and GCC Countries from the Perspective of the "Belt and Road" Initiative

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i2.2424

Congzhao Zhang

College of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong, China


GCC countries occupy a unique and indispensable position in the Belt and Road Initiative. It is crucial for China and GCC countries to foster humanistic exchanges and support talent development through cooperation in higher education. Since the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, China-GCC higher education cooperation has made significant progress, including the initial establishment of cooperation mechanisms, the consolidation of historical foundations in humanities and social sciences exchanges, and the creation of new opportunities for collaboration in science and technology. However, compared to Western countries, China-GCC higher education cooperation remains relatively weak and has substantial room for development. Future efforts can elevate this cooperation by promoting joint educational programs, establishing higher-level mechanisms for humanities exchanges, and deepening collaboration in frontier fields.


The Belt and Road, China, GCC, higher education cooperation


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