Research on the Design of Blended Teaching of "Food Physical and Chemical Inspection" Course

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i2.2399

Lingfei Guo

Henan Industry and Trade Vocational College, Zhengzhou, Henan, China


The blended teaching mode is a cutting-edge teaching approach in current higher vocational education. Compared with traditional teaching methods, it has advantages such as rich teaching resources, intuitive teaching methods, no time and space constraints, and strong student classroom participation. These advantages effectively stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning and improve classroom teaching effectiveness. This paper takes the core course "Food Physical and Chemical Inspection" of the higher vocational food inspection and testing technology major as an example. Based on online classrooms and simulation training platforms, a complete blended teaching design case is designed, covering pre-class preparation, in-class tutoring, post-class summarization, and reflection evaluation. Practice has proven that the blended teaching mode of online and offline fully utilizes teaching time inside and outside the classroom, mobilizes students' enthusiasm and initiative, and achieves the expected teaching objectives.


blended teaching; food physical and chemical inspection; teaching design


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