A Study on the Presentation of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture in High School English Teaching Materials Based on Core Literacy — Taking the Compulsory High School English Teaching Materials of the Beijing Normal University Edition (2019) as an Example

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2128

Sihan Liu

Minzu University of China, Beijing 100044, China


This study takes the 2019 compulsory high school English textbook of Beijing Normal University as the research object to analyze in depth how to present excellent traditional Chinese culture in the textbook, and combines the concept of core literacy education to explore the internal connection between traditional cultural content and core literacy cultivation. The study results show that this set of textbooks has achieved a good balance between cultural inheritance and language learning, cultivating students’ cross-cultural communication skills and deepening their understanding and identification with Chinese culture.


core literacy, excellent traditional Chinese culture, high school English, compulsory textbook content


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