Practical Exploration on the Integration of Garbage Classification into Moral Education in Universities

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2127

Yifeng Chen

Campus Construction Division, Ningbo Open University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


Waste classification is crucial for the construction of ecological civilization. Promoting waste classification is a systematic project that requires the participation of the entire society. As important educational institutions, universities should play a significant role in promoting ecological civilization. However, compared to primary and secondary schools, waste classification efforts in universities have not met expectations, primarily because universities have not given sufficient attention to integrating waste classification into moral education. In response to this situation, universities should promptly analyze the moral and educational value of waste classification in depth, cultivate students' ecological civilization concepts, integrate waste classification knowledge into students' moral practices, and truly lead the new trend of waste classification on campus.


waste classification, moral education, ecological ethics


General Project of Ningbo Higher Education Ideological and Political Education Research Association "Exploration of Incorporating Garbage Classification into University Moral Education" (SGXSZ19023)


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