The Role of Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching in Cultivating Clinical Thinking Ability for Resident Standardized Training Physicians

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2126

Meng Liang, Yuan Tan, Hongru Deng, Shuchun Lyu, Chunrong Chen

Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541000, Guangxi, China


Objective: This study aims to investigate the impact of virtual simulation experimental teaching on the development of clinical thinking ability among resident standardized training physicians. Methods: Forty-six trainees undergoing resident physicians standardized training in the emergency department of our hospital in 2022 served as the control group and received traditional teaching methods; whereas forty-eight trainees undergoing resident physicians standardized training in the emergency department of our hospital in 2023 formed the study group, and they completed emergency virtual simulation experimental teaching prior to their departmental rotations. The two groups were compared in terms of assessment scores, learning motivation (evaluated using the Active Learning State Scale), clinical thinking ability, and teaching evaluations. Results: At the time of completion of their rotations, the study group exhibited higher theoretical and practical scores, scores across five items in the Active Learning State Scale, and evaluations across six teaching aspects compared to the control group (P<0.05). At the end of their rotations, both groups demonstrated higher scores in clinical thinking ability for three items and the overall score compared to their scores at the beginning of the rotations (P<0.05), with the study group surpassing the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Virtual simulation experimental teaching in the cultivation of clinical thinking ability among resident training physicians can enhance trainees' enthusiasm for learning, improve their clinical thinking ability, and elevate their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


virtual simulation experimental teaching, emergency department, resident training physicians, clinical thinking ability


Project of Guangxi Higher Education Undergraduate Teaching Reform Engineering (General Project Class A) in 2021 (Project No. 2021JGA275)


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Copyright © 2024 Meng Liang, Yuan Tan, Hongru Deng, Shuchun Lyu, Chunrong Chen

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