Big Data Technology Assisted Digitalised Pedagogical Practise for University Translation Courses

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2124

Tianhua Xu

Guangzhou College of Commerce, Guangzhou 511363, Guangdong, China


Traditional teaching approaches employed in university translation courses often yield unsatisfying results. This paper explores the integration of big data technology in the digitalized pedagogical practice for university translation courses. It examines the role of big data technology in enhancing teaching and learning outcomes in translation education; analyzes the current challenges faced by universities in terms of translation courses; and proposes strategies for leveraging big data technology to create a more interactive and personalized learning environment for students. By incorporating big data technology into pedagogical practices, universities can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of translation courses, ultimately enhancing students' language proficiency and translation skills.


big data technology, digitalized pedagogical practice, university translation courses, language pedagogy


Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Association's "14th Five-Year Plan" 2021 Annual Higher Education Research Project, 21GYB183, Application Research of Online Grammar Teaching in Network Corpus


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