Exploring the Methods of Implementing Expansion Training in College Physical Education Teaching

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2120

Jun Liu

College of Physical Education and Health Science, Yibin University, Yibin 644000, Sichuan, China


In college physical education teaching, expansion training, as a new type of physical education teaching mode, has important significance. Expansion training is a novel and unique teaching method that not only allows students to have fun in the learning process, but also cultivates their self-learning ability. Expanding training in physical education teaching in universities can not only improve students' physical and psychological qualities, but also cultivate their sense of teamwork, which is conducive to cultivating their innovative spirit and creative ability. This article analyzes the significance of conducting expansion training in college physical education teaching, and proposes some reasonable and effective measures to improve the effectiveness of expansion training in college physical education teaching based on actual situations.


college sports, expansion training, method measures


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