Teaching Approaches Based on Three Principles of ESP in TESP

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2118

Wenting Yang

Jining Normal University, Wulanchabu 012000, Inner Mongolia, China


Teaching English for Specific Purposes refers to teaching English as a second language which bases the course contents and objectives on the specific needs of target students, related to a particular subject or professional. The students should be able to apply English freely in their future occupational area after they are conducted ESP with their acquisition. So how to select appropriate teaching approaches is such a significant process to achieve this aim. During the process, the three core principles of ESP is the key basis and guidance, which are needs-driven, specificity and relevance. In this paper, some specific teaching approaches are discussed when they are applied in TESP based on the three principles, which can help make TESP more effective, as to make students more proficient in their ESP learning.


teaching English for specific purposes, principle, teaching approach


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