The Mission and Responsibility of Youth: Based on the Perspective of People's Democracy and Multi-party Cooperation throughout the Whole Process

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v5i1.2117

Qifei Han1, Bi Chi2, Hui Wang3

1. Reform and Development Office, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China
2. School of Accounting, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China
3. School of Finance, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China


Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, based on the basic conditions of our country, has continuously improved and innovated the political system through long-term persistence and exploration, gradually establishing a modern political system with Chinese characteristics. This includes representative systems such as multi-party cooperation and political consultation, and the system of the National People's Congress, which have continuously strengthened and steadily developed socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. This article mainly explores the importance of the new generation of youth to the future political construction of the Party and the mission and responsibility of youth through an in-depth analysis of the construction of multi-party cooperation system and people's democracy throughout the process in China.


people's democracy throughout the whole process, multi-party cooperation, youth


Nanjing University of Finance and Economics United Front Project Fund (No.TZ202205)


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