A Systematic Review of Task Complexity in Language Learning
Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v3i5.1053
Task complexity has attracted increasing attention from researchers since it plays a crucial role in language learning. Researchers have examined it using various perspectives and achieved different results in terms of language learning. Nevertheless, to have a clear and overall understanding of the significance of task complexity, some questions are raised: (1) What are the appropriate theoretical frameworks?; (2) What other factors are relevant to task complexity?; (3) How is language learning related to task complexity? This literature review aims to map the results and findings of task complexity in language learning to answer the above three questions. According to the PRISMA diagram 2020, 23 articles from SCOPUS between 2012 and 2020 were selected for analysis. Findings show that task complexity is one of the most important factors in different language tasks based on two hypotheses, i.e. Cognitive Hypothesis and Limited Attentional Capacity Hypothesis. In addition, factors such as aptitude and working memory usually are co-studied with task complexity. Finally, limitations and further questions are concluded.
PRISMA, task complexity, TBLT, language learning
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