A Study on the Construction of Morality Internalization of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v3i1.636

Weizheng Li

School of journalism, communication, film and television, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571127, Hainan, China


Young teachers are the main undertaker of teaching and teaching practice, who are the main promoter of educational activities in higher education. Influenced by diversified cultural values, the value orientation of young teachers in colleges and universities also presents a diversified development trend. By exploring the problems and countermeasures of the internalization of young teachers' morality, this paper gives the focuses on in-depth discussion from the aspects of realizing the internalization of teachers' morality, providing theoretical basis and reference practice for the construction of young teachers' morality in colleges and universities.


colleges and universities, young teachers, morality internalization, morality construction


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