Comparative Study on the Effect of Two Different Sequential Combination Training Methods on Fat Reduction
Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v2i6.570
In this paper, overweight or obese young women with sports experience and body fat rate > 30% were divided into groups to compare the effect of "HIIT" and "aerobic" exercise in different sequence combination training methods, and analyze whether "HIIT + Aerobic" is more effective than "aerobic + HIIT". The aim is to provide more effective training programs and establish scientific fitness awareness for overweight or obese young women who have sports experience.
HIIT, aerobic exercise, integrated training, fat loss, FMS
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[1] Ogden C L, Carroll M D, Fryar C D, et al. Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2011-2014[J]. NCHS DATA Brief, 2015, (219): 1-8.
[2] Li J L. Experimental study on the effect of "aerobic + anaerobic exercise" on weight loss of obese Female college students[D]. Jilin: Jilin University, 2018.
[3] Wang Juan, Wang Zhengzhen, Luo Xijuan, et al. Effect of high-intensity interval training on the risk of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus[J]. Chinese journal of sports medicine, 2016, 35(6): 561-56.
[4] Notta VF, Aguila MB, Mandarim-DE-Lacerda CA. High-in-tensity interval training (swimming)significantly improves the adverse metabolism and comorbidities in diet-in-duced obese mice[J]. Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2016, 56(5): 655-663.
[5] Mackay J, Greenlund K, Mendis S, et al. The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004.
[6] NG M, FLEMING T, ROBINSON M, et al. Global, regional, and National prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013[J]. Lancet, 2014, 384(9945): 766-781.
[7] Jiang Yong. Study on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Adults in China[D]. Beijing: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013.
[8] Chen Yishan, Zhou Yue, Yu Liang, et al. The influence of overweight and obesity on cardiac function in children aged 8~9 years[J]. Chinese School Health, 2017, (09): 1291-1295.
[9] Hales C. M., Carroll M. D., Fryar C. D., et al.Prevalence of obesity among adults and youth[M]. United States, NCHS Data Brief, 2017, 288: 1-8.
[10] Healy M. Americans keep piling on the pounds[J]. The Dallas Morning News, 2017, 14(10): 7A.
[11] Ward Z. Simulation of growth trajectories of child-hood obesity into adulthood[J]. New England Journal of Medicine, 2017, 377: 2145-2153.
[12] Sogou Encyclopedia. Eat medicine [EB/OL].
[13] Zhang Yan, Zhang Xiansong. Female body shaping strategy[M]. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences Press, 2015:190.
[14] BILLATL V. Interval Training for Performance: A scientific and Empirical Practice special recommendations for middle- and long- distance running. Part I: Training of Aerbic interval training[J]. Sports Med, 2001, 31(1): 13-31.
[15] Li Shuguang. Nutrition and Food Hygiene[M]. People's Medical Publishing House, 2012.
[16] Billat L V. Interval training for performance: A scientific and empirical practice[J]. Sports Medicine, 2001, 31(1): 13-31.
[17] Dong Lei. Effects of high-intensity interval training on myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise in young men[D]. Changsha: Xiangya Hospital, 2012.
[18] Ingul C B, Tjonna A E, Stolen T O, et al. Impaired cardiac function among obese adolescents; effect of aerobic intercal training[J]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2010, 164(9): 852-859.
[19] Zhang Hongying. Treatment of 46 cases of simple obesity with acupuncture[R]. Jilin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2004:34.
[20] Kenneth H.Cooper (USA), Zhu Weimo (translated). The history of aerobic exercise -- 50 years and still in progress[J]. Sports research, 2018, 39 (6).
[21] Tremblay A, Despres, J P, Leblanc C, et al. Effect of intensity of physical activity on body fatness and fat distribution[J]. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990, 51(2):153.
[22] Xie Chao, Jin Chengji, Zhang Jun. Effect of aerobic exercise on obesity in Chinese children: A meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Physical Education (Social Science Edition), 2016, (02): 84-90.
[23] Yin Haojin. Effects of water jogging on body composition, lipid metabolism and regulatory hormones in obese people[D]. Beijing: Beijing Sport University, 2007.
[24] Qi Yugang, Huang Jinhong, TAN Sijie. Effects of HIIT and Continuous aerobic exercise on weight loss in Obese Female College students[J]. China sports science and technology, 2013, 49(1): 30-33.
[25] Chen Zhuo. The effect of square dancing on the fitness of overweight and obese women aged 55-60 years in Beilin District, Xi 'an City[D]. Xi 'an: Xi 'an Institute of Physical Education, 2016.
[26] Zhang Lian-qing. Study on the influence of different exercise patterns on obesity in young men[D]. Changchun: Northeast Normal University, 2011.
[27] Reindell H, Roskamm H. Ein Beitrag zu den physiologischen Grundlagen des Intervall training unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Kreilaufes[J]. Scheweiz Z Sportmed, 1959, 7: 1-8.
[28] THOMPSON P. Break through the speed barrier with the “new interval training”[J]. Athl Wkly, 2005, 59: 62-63.
[29] Ingul C B,Tjonna A E,Stolen T O,et al. Impaired cardiac function among obese adolescents;effect of aerobic intercal training[J]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2010, 164(9): 852-859.
[30] Schjerve I, Tyldum G, Tjønna A, et al. Both aerobic endurance and strength training programmes improve cardiovascular health in obese adults[J]. Clinical Science, 2008, 115(9): 283-293.
[31] Warburton D E, McKenzie D C, et al. Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training for the rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease[J]. Am J Cardiol, 2005, 95(9): 1080-1084.
[32] Bartlett J D, Close G L, Maclaren D P M, et al. High-intensity interval running is perceived to be more enjoyable than moderate-intensity continuous exercise: implications for exercise adherence[J]. Journal of sports sciences, 2011, 29(6): 547-553.
[33] Ciolac E G, Bocchi E A, Bortolotto L A, et al. Effects of high-intensity aerobic interval training vs. moderate exercise on hemodynamic, metabolic and neuro-humoral abnormalities of young normotensive women at high familial risk for hypertension[J]. Hypertension Research, 2010, 33(8): 836-843.
[34] Nybo L, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen M D, et al. High-Intensity Training versus Traditional Exercise Interventions for Promoting Health[J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2010, 42(10): 1951-1958.
[35] Hood M S, Little J P, Tarnopolsky M A, et al. Low-Volume Interval Training Improves Muscle Oxidative Capacity in Sedentary Adults[J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2011, 43(10): 1849-1856.
[36] Tsekouras, Magkos Y E, Kellas F, et al. High-intensity interval aerobic training reduces hepatic very low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride secretion rate in men[J]. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 2008, 295(4): E851.
[37] BalaM J, Little J P, Macdonald M J, et al. Physiological adaptations to low-volume,high-intensity interval training in health and disease[J]. Journal of Physiology, 2012, 59(5).
[38] Ibala M J,Megee S L. Metabolic adaptations to short-term high-intensity interval trainning:a little pain for a lot of gain?[J]. Exercise & Sport Sciences Revives, 2008, 36(2).
[39] Dong Lei. Effects of high-intensity interval training on myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise in young men[D]. Changsha: Xiangya Hospital, 2012.
[40] Sijie T, Hainai Y, Fengying Y, et al. High intenval exercise training in overweight young women[J]. Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2012, 52(3): 255-262.
[41] Saris W H M, Schrauwen P. Substrate oxidation differences between high- and low-intensity exercise are compensated over 24 hours in obese men[J]. International Journal of Obesity, 2004, 28(6): 759-765.
[42] Major GC, Piche ME, Bergeron J, et al. Energy expenditure from physical activity and the metabolic risk profile at menopause[J]. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2005, 37(2): 204-212.
[43] Wang Xinbo. Comparative study on fat Reduction Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Aerobic Exercise[D]. Jilin University of Physical Education, 2014.
[44] Xi Lu, Zhang Xiang. Review on the Effect of Intermittent High-Intensity Training on Weight Loss[J]. Sports Science and Technology, 2016, (06): 33-34+38.
[45] Smith-Ryan A E, Trexler E T, Wingfield H L, et al. Effects of high-intensity interva training on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight/obese women[J]. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2016, 34(21): 2038-2046.
[46] Paoli A, Pacelli Q F, Moro T, et al. Effects of high-intensity circuit training, low-intensity circuit training and endurance training on blood pressure and lipoproteins in middle-aged overweight men[J]. Lipids in Health & Disease, 2013, 12(1): 131.
[47] Tjonna A E, Stolen T O, Bye A, et al. Aerobic interval training reduces cardiovascular risk factors more than a multitreatment approach in overweight adolescents[J]. Clinical Science, 2009, 116(4): 317-326.
[48] Sawyer B J, Tucker W J, Bhammar D M, et al. Effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on endothelial function and cardiometabolic risk markers in obese adults[J]. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2016, 121(1):279
[49] Wang Mingxian, Li Yuzhou. Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Strength Training on Physical Fitness of Overweight College Students[J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University, 2014, 43(2): 259-260.
[50] Ren Q. A prospective study on the appropriate cut point value of obesity evaluation index for predicting hypertension in Chinese adults[D]. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016.
[51] Chen Tongqiang. Discussion on the new viewpoint of weight loss in HIIT[J]. Contemporary Sports Science and Technology, 2014(13): 11-12.
[52] Wang Jun, Wang Ruiyuan, Tian Jiming. Study on the effect of intermittent exercise on weight loss[J]. Journal of Guangzhou Sport University, 2007, 27(1): 100-101.
[53] Bryner R W, Toffle R C, Ullrich I H, et al. The effects of exercise intensity on body composition, weight loss, and dietary composition in women[J]. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1997, 16(1): 68-73.
[54] Major GC, Piche ME, Bergeron J, et al. Energy expenditure from physical activity and the metabolic risk Profile at menopause[J]. Med Sci Sports Exer, 2005, 37(2): 12-204.
[55] Zhang Lianqing. Study on the influence of different exercise patterns on obesity in young men [D]. Changchun: Northeast Normal University, 2011.
[56] Cui Can. Study on the influence of aerobic and core strength training on the exercise prescription of middle-aged women with central obesity[D]. Tianjin: Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, 2015.
[57] Chen Qiong, Cao Jie, Zhao Lijun et al. Effects of different exercise patterns on body composition, inflammatory factors and exercise ability of obese adolescents[J]. Journal of Jilin University (Medical Science Edition), 2015(05): 1070-1075.
[58] Li J L. Study on the effect of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on weight loss of obese female college students[D]. Jilin: Jilin University, 2018.
[59] Zhang D. An empirical study on the effect of resistance training combined with aerobic exercise on obesity and weight loss in young women[D]. Jiangxi: Jiangxi Normal University, 2014.
[60] Fan Baohui. Effect of intermittent high-intensity exercise on weight loss in obese young men[D]. Shanghai: Shanghai Normal University, 2018.
[61] Ren Qian. A prospective study on the appropriate pointcut value of obesity evaluation index for predicting hypertension in Chinese adults[D]. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016.
[62] Qi Yugang, Huang Jinhong, Tan Sijie. Effects of HIIT and Continuous aerobic exercise on weight loss in Obese Female College students[J]. China sports science and technology, 2013, 49(1): 30-33.
[63] Wang Jun, Wang Ruiyuan, Tian Jiming. Study on the effect of intermittent exercise on weight loss[J]. Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, 2007, (01): 99-101.
[64] Wang Jingjing, et al. The effect of 12-week high-intensity interval training on abdominal fat in obese young women[D]. Hebei: Hebei Normal University, 2013.
[2] Li J L. Experimental study on the effect of "aerobic + anaerobic exercise" on weight loss of obese Female college students[D]. Jilin: Jilin University, 2018.
[3] Wang Juan, Wang Zhengzhen, Luo Xijuan, et al. Effect of high-intensity interval training on the risk of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus[J]. Chinese journal of sports medicine, 2016, 35(6): 561-56.
[4] Notta VF, Aguila MB, Mandarim-DE-Lacerda CA. High-in-tensity interval training (swimming)significantly improves the adverse metabolism and comorbidities in diet-in-duced obese mice[J]. Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2016, 56(5): 655-663.
[5] Mackay J, Greenlund K, Mendis S, et al. The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004.
[6] NG M, FLEMING T, ROBINSON M, et al. Global, regional, and National prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013[J]. Lancet, 2014, 384(9945): 766-781.
[7] Jiang Yong. Study on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Adults in China[D]. Beijing: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013.
[8] Chen Yishan, Zhou Yue, Yu Liang, et al. The influence of overweight and obesity on cardiac function in children aged 8~9 years[J]. Chinese School Health, 2017, (09): 1291-1295.
[9] Hales C. M., Carroll M. D., Fryar C. D., et al.Prevalence of obesity among adults and youth[M]. United States, NCHS Data Brief, 2017, 288: 1-8.
[10] Healy M. Americans keep piling on the pounds[J]. The Dallas Morning News, 2017, 14(10): 7A.
[11] Ward Z. Simulation of growth trajectories of child-hood obesity into adulthood[J]. New England Journal of Medicine, 2017, 377: 2145-2153.
[12] Sogou Encyclopedia. Eat medicine [EB/OL].
[13] Zhang Yan, Zhang Xiansong. Female body shaping strategy[M]. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences Press, 2015:190.
[14] BILLATL V. Interval Training for Performance: A scientific and Empirical Practice special recommendations for middle- and long- distance running. Part I: Training of Aerbic interval training[J]. Sports Med, 2001, 31(1): 13-31.
[15] Li Shuguang. Nutrition and Food Hygiene[M]. People's Medical Publishing House, 2012.
[16] Billat L V. Interval training for performance: A scientific and empirical practice[J]. Sports Medicine, 2001, 31(1): 13-31.
[17] Dong Lei. Effects of high-intensity interval training on myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise in young men[D]. Changsha: Xiangya Hospital, 2012.
[18] Ingul C B, Tjonna A E, Stolen T O, et al. Impaired cardiac function among obese adolescents; effect of aerobic intercal training[J]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2010, 164(9): 852-859.
[19] Zhang Hongying. Treatment of 46 cases of simple obesity with acupuncture[R]. Jilin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2004:34.
[20] Kenneth H.Cooper (USA), Zhu Weimo (translated). The history of aerobic exercise -- 50 years and still in progress[J]. Sports research, 2018, 39 (6).
[21] Tremblay A, Despres, J P, Leblanc C, et al. Effect of intensity of physical activity on body fatness and fat distribution[J]. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990, 51(2):153.
[22] Xie Chao, Jin Chengji, Zhang Jun. Effect of aerobic exercise on obesity in Chinese children: A meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Physical Education (Social Science Edition), 2016, (02): 84-90.
[23] Yin Haojin. Effects of water jogging on body composition, lipid metabolism and regulatory hormones in obese people[D]. Beijing: Beijing Sport University, 2007.
[24] Qi Yugang, Huang Jinhong, TAN Sijie. Effects of HIIT and Continuous aerobic exercise on weight loss in Obese Female College students[J]. China sports science and technology, 2013, 49(1): 30-33.
[25] Chen Zhuo. The effect of square dancing on the fitness of overweight and obese women aged 55-60 years in Beilin District, Xi 'an City[D]. Xi 'an: Xi 'an Institute of Physical Education, 2016.
[26] Zhang Lian-qing. Study on the influence of different exercise patterns on obesity in young men[D]. Changchun: Northeast Normal University, 2011.
[27] Reindell H, Roskamm H. Ein Beitrag zu den physiologischen Grundlagen des Intervall training unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Kreilaufes[J]. Scheweiz Z Sportmed, 1959, 7: 1-8.
[28] THOMPSON P. Break through the speed barrier with the “new interval training”[J]. Athl Wkly, 2005, 59: 62-63.
[29] Ingul C B,Tjonna A E,Stolen T O,et al. Impaired cardiac function among obese adolescents;effect of aerobic intercal training[J]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2010, 164(9): 852-859.
[30] Schjerve I, Tyldum G, Tjønna A, et al. Both aerobic endurance and strength training programmes improve cardiovascular health in obese adults[J]. Clinical Science, 2008, 115(9): 283-293.
[31] Warburton D E, McKenzie D C, et al. Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training for the rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease[J]. Am J Cardiol, 2005, 95(9): 1080-1084.
[32] Bartlett J D, Close G L, Maclaren D P M, et al. High-intensity interval running is perceived to be more enjoyable than moderate-intensity continuous exercise: implications for exercise adherence[J]. Journal of sports sciences, 2011, 29(6): 547-553.
[33] Ciolac E G, Bocchi E A, Bortolotto L A, et al. Effects of high-intensity aerobic interval training vs. moderate exercise on hemodynamic, metabolic and neuro-humoral abnormalities of young normotensive women at high familial risk for hypertension[J]. Hypertension Research, 2010, 33(8): 836-843.
[34] Nybo L, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen M D, et al. High-Intensity Training versus Traditional Exercise Interventions for Promoting Health[J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2010, 42(10): 1951-1958.
[35] Hood M S, Little J P, Tarnopolsky M A, et al. Low-Volume Interval Training Improves Muscle Oxidative Capacity in Sedentary Adults[J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2011, 43(10): 1849-1856.
[36] Tsekouras, Magkos Y E, Kellas F, et al. High-intensity interval aerobic training reduces hepatic very low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride secretion rate in men[J]. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 2008, 295(4): E851.
[37] BalaM J, Little J P, Macdonald M J, et al. Physiological adaptations to low-volume,high-intensity interval training in health and disease[J]. Journal of Physiology, 2012, 59(5).
[38] Ibala M J,Megee S L. Metabolic adaptations to short-term high-intensity interval trainning:a little pain for a lot of gain?[J]. Exercise & Sport Sciences Revives, 2008, 36(2).
[39] Dong Lei. Effects of high-intensity interval training on myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise in young men[D]. Changsha: Xiangya Hospital, 2012.
[40] Sijie T, Hainai Y, Fengying Y, et al. High intenval exercise training in overweight young women[J]. Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2012, 52(3): 255-262.
[41] Saris W H M, Schrauwen P. Substrate oxidation differences between high- and low-intensity exercise are compensated over 24 hours in obese men[J]. International Journal of Obesity, 2004, 28(6): 759-765.
[42] Major GC, Piche ME, Bergeron J, et al. Energy expenditure from physical activity and the metabolic risk profile at menopause[J]. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2005, 37(2): 204-212.
[43] Wang Xinbo. Comparative study on fat Reduction Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Aerobic Exercise[D]. Jilin University of Physical Education, 2014.
[44] Xi Lu, Zhang Xiang. Review on the Effect of Intermittent High-Intensity Training on Weight Loss[J]. Sports Science and Technology, 2016, (06): 33-34+38.
[45] Smith-Ryan A E, Trexler E T, Wingfield H L, et al. Effects of high-intensity interva training on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight/obese women[J]. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2016, 34(21): 2038-2046.
[46] Paoli A, Pacelli Q F, Moro T, et al. Effects of high-intensity circuit training, low-intensity circuit training and endurance training on blood pressure and lipoproteins in middle-aged overweight men[J]. Lipids in Health & Disease, 2013, 12(1): 131.
[47] Tjonna A E, Stolen T O, Bye A, et al. Aerobic interval training reduces cardiovascular risk factors more than a multitreatment approach in overweight adolescents[J]. Clinical Science, 2009, 116(4): 317-326.
[48] Sawyer B J, Tucker W J, Bhammar D M, et al. Effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on endothelial function and cardiometabolic risk markers in obese adults[J]. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2016, 121(1):279
[49] Wang Mingxian, Li Yuzhou. Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Strength Training on Physical Fitness of Overweight College Students[J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University, 2014, 43(2): 259-260.
[50] Ren Q. A prospective study on the appropriate cut point value of obesity evaluation index for predicting hypertension in Chinese adults[D]. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016.
[51] Chen Tongqiang. Discussion on the new viewpoint of weight loss in HIIT[J]. Contemporary Sports Science and Technology, 2014(13): 11-12.
[52] Wang Jun, Wang Ruiyuan, Tian Jiming. Study on the effect of intermittent exercise on weight loss[J]. Journal of Guangzhou Sport University, 2007, 27(1): 100-101.
[53] Bryner R W, Toffle R C, Ullrich I H, et al. The effects of exercise intensity on body composition, weight loss, and dietary composition in women[J]. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1997, 16(1): 68-73.
[54] Major GC, Piche ME, Bergeron J, et al. Energy expenditure from physical activity and the metabolic risk Profile at menopause[J]. Med Sci Sports Exer, 2005, 37(2): 12-204.
[55] Zhang Lianqing. Study on the influence of different exercise patterns on obesity in young men [D]. Changchun: Northeast Normal University, 2011.
[56] Cui Can. Study on the influence of aerobic and core strength training on the exercise prescription of middle-aged women with central obesity[D]. Tianjin: Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, 2015.
[57] Chen Qiong, Cao Jie, Zhao Lijun et al. Effects of different exercise patterns on body composition, inflammatory factors and exercise ability of obese adolescents[J]. Journal of Jilin University (Medical Science Edition), 2015(05): 1070-1075.
[58] Li J L. Study on the effect of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on weight loss of obese female college students[D]. Jilin: Jilin University, 2018.
[59] Zhang D. An empirical study on the effect of resistance training combined with aerobic exercise on obesity and weight loss in young women[D]. Jiangxi: Jiangxi Normal University, 2014.
[60] Fan Baohui. Effect of intermittent high-intensity exercise on weight loss in obese young men[D]. Shanghai: Shanghai Normal University, 2018.
[61] Ren Qian. A prospective study on the appropriate pointcut value of obesity evaluation index for predicting hypertension in Chinese adults[D]. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016.
[62] Qi Yugang, Huang Jinhong, Tan Sijie. Effects of HIIT and Continuous aerobic exercise on weight loss in Obese Female College students[J]. China sports science and technology, 2013, 49(1): 30-33.
[63] Wang Jun, Wang Ruiyuan, Tian Jiming. Study on the effect of intermittent exercise on weight loss[J]. Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, 2007, (01): 99-101.
[64] Wang Jingjing, et al. The effect of 12-week high-intensity interval training on abdominal fat in obese young women[D]. Hebei: Hebei Normal University, 2013.
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