Comprehensive Analysis of the Effects of Surgery on the Other Eyes of Patients with Bilateral Cataracts after Surgery on One Eye
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v5i4.3125
Cataracts often affect both eyes, requiring bilateral surgery. The outcome of the first-eye surgery can significantly impact the surgical timing, intraocular lens power selection, and pain sensitivity of the second-eye surgery, though a unified consensus is lacking. This article reviews recent research on these effects, providing insights to help clinicians optimize treatment plans for bilateral cataract patients.
cataract; aqueous humor; inflammatory factors; cytokines; IOL; ISBCS; second eye
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[2]LI J X, SUN Y J, WANG J, et al. Clinical Effectiveness and Efficiency Analysis of Phacoemulsification in the Treatment of Cataract Patients [J]. Syst Med, 2022, 7(16): 73-76.
[3]FENG J J, YAO L, AN L, et al. Analysis of the Outcomes and Influencing Factors of Cataract Extraction Surgery in China [J]. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2021, 57(01): 63-70.
[4]PARDHAN S. Binocular performance in patients with unilateral cataract using the Regan test: binocular summation and inhibition with low-contrast charts[J]. Eye (Lond), 1993,7(Pt1):59-62.
[5]JI Q S, SUN S Q, WEN Y C. Comparison of Pain and Cooperation in Bilateral Cataract Surgeries [J]. Anhui Med Pharm J, 2017, 21(07): 1209-1212.
[6]JIANG L, ZHANG K, HE W, et al. Perceived Pain during Cataract Surgery with Topical Anesthesia: A Comparison between First-Eye and Second-Eye Surgery[J]. J Ophthalmol, 2015,2015:383456.
[7]SHI C, YUAN J, ZEE B. Pain Perception of the First Eye versus the Second Eye during Phacoemulsification under Local Anesthesia for Patients Going through Cataract Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis[J]. J Ophthalmol, 2019,2019:4106893.
[8]SELLA R, LIAN R R, ABBAS A A, et al. Evaluating the accuracy of a cataract surgery simulation video in depicting patient experiences under conscious anesthesia [J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2023, 43(12): 4897-4904.
[9]AKKAYA S, ÖZKURT Y B, AKSOY S, et al. Differences in pain experience and cooperation between consecutive surgeries in patients undergoing phacoemulsification[J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2017,37(3):545-552.
[10]YAO K, WANG W. A 70-Year Review of Cataract Diagnosis and Treatment Technology in China [J]. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2020, 56(5): 4.
[11]ZHANG F, WANG J H, ZHAO M S. Dynamic monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 level as predictors of perceived pain during first and second phacoemulsification eye surgeries in patients with bilateral cataract[J]. BMC Ophthalmol, 2021,21(1):133.
[12]ZHANG Y, DU Y, JIANG Y, et al. Effects of Pranoprofen on Aqueous Humor Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Level and Pain Relief During Second-Eye Cataract Surgery[J]. Front Pharmacol, 2018,9:783.
[13]FAN Z, FAN C, QI B, et al. Sympathetic Nerve-Mediated Fellow Eye Pain During Sequential Cataract Surgery by Regulating Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor CSF3[J]. Front Cell Neurosci, 2022,16:841733.
[14]ŁUGOWSKA D, KONOPINSKA J, MARIAK Z, et al. Comparison of Subjective Preoperative Experiences of Patients Before First- or Second-Eye Cataract Surgeries[J]. Clin Ophthalmol, 2020,14:2883-2889.
[15]LIU P, ZHANG S, GENG Z, et al. Factors affecting pain in patients undergoing bilateral cataract surgery[J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2020,40(2):297-303.
[16]GAYADINE-HARRICHAM Y, AMZALLAG T. Prevalence and causes of pain after cataract surgery: Comparison of 1st and 2nd eyes[J]. J Fr Ophtalmol, 2017,40(6):505-511.
[17]ZHU X J, WOLFF D, ZHANG K K, et al. Molecular Inflammation in the Contralateral Eye After Cataract Surgery in the First Eye[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2015,56(9):5566-5573.
[18]CHEN Y, ZHANG Y, SUN K, et al. Higher TGF-β2 Level in the Aqueous Humor of the Second Eye Versus the First Eye in the Course of Sequential Cataract Surgery[J]. Ocul Immunol Inflamm, 2020,28(3):439-445.
[19]YANG R, LIU C, YU D, et al. Correlation between Hyperalgesia and Upregulation of TNF-α and IL-1β in Aqueous Humor and Blood in Second Eye Phacoemulsification: Clinical and Experimental Investigation[J]. J Immunol Res, 2021,2021:7377685.
[20]TANG J, LIU H, SUN M, et al. Aqueous Humor Cytokine Response in the Contralateral Eye after First-Eye Cataract Surgery in Patients with Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma, High Myopia or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus[J]. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 2022,27(7):222.
[21]GONG X, REN Y, FANG X, et al. Substance P induces sympathetic immune response in the contralateral eye after the first eye cataract surgery in type 2 diabetic patients[J]. BMC Ophthalmol, 2020,20(1):339.
[22]RAJPAL R K, ROEL L, SIOU-MERMET R, et al. Efficacy and safety of loteprednol etabonate 0.5% gel in the treatment of ocular inflammation and pain after cataract surgery[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2013,39(2):158-167.
[23]GONçALVES DOS SANTOS G, DELAY L, YAKSH T L, et al. Neuraxial Cytokines in Pain States[J]. Front Immunol, 2019,10:3061.
[24]HUI N, YU L, QU L, et al. Cytokines in aqueous humor of patients with congenital cataract during delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery. BMC Ophthalmol[J]. England:BioMed Central,2023,23(1):490.
[25]ZHAO Y, DENG X, CHANG P, et al. Expression Profiles of Inflammatory Cytokines in the Aqueous Humor of Children after Congenital Cataract Extraction[J]. Transl Vis Sci Technol, 2020,9(8):3.
[26]CERIOTTI F, PANTEGHINI M. The Quality of Laboratory Results: Sources of Variability, Methods of Evaluation, and Estimation of Their Clinical Impact [J]. Clin Lab Med, 2023, 43(12): 57-61.
[27]COX C. Bead-Based Multiplex Immunoassays: Procedures, Tips, and Tricks[J]. Methods Mol Biol, 2021,2261:263-276.
[28]GROSS J, WILLIMSKY E, WEGENER A R, et al. Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure of One Eye Stimulates Sympathizing Expression of Neurokinin-1 Receptor but Not Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in the Partner Eye[J]. Ophthalmic Res, 2020,63(1):59-71.
[29]EDWARDS M, DAI R, AHMED S A. Our Environment Shapes Us: The Importance of Environment and Sex Differences in Regulation of Autoantibody Production[J]. Front Immunol, 2018,9:478.
[30]FANG L, LI Q, TANG J C, et al. Study on the Immune Response of the Contralateral Eye Induced by Phacoemulsification Cataract Extraction Combined with Intraocular Lens Implantation (in English) [J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2020, 20(10): 1667-1672.
[31]THOM S R, BHOPALE V M, YU K, et al. Neutrophil microparticle production and inflammasome activation by hyperglycemia due to cytoskeletal instability[J]. J Biol Chem, 2017,292(44):18312-18324.
[32]CORRêA-SILVA S, ALENCAR A P, MORELI J B, et al. Hyperglycemia induces inflammatory mediators in the human chorionic villous[J]. Cytokine, 2018,111:41-48.
[33]GAUSE W C, ROTHLIN C, LOKE P. Heterogeneity in the initiation, development and function of type 2 immunity[J]. Nat Rev Immunol, 2020,20(10):603-614.
[34]VALEYEV N V, HUNDHAUSEN C, UMEZAWA Y, et al. A systems model for immune cell interactions unravels the mechanism of inflammation in human skin[J]. PLoS Comput Biol, 2010,6(12):e1001024.
[35]YANG R B, YU D, MOU P Y, et al. Relationship Between the Expression Changes of TNF-α and IL-1β in Aqueous Humor and Serum of the Non-Surgical Eye and the Corneal Sensitivity Changes in Rabbit Eyes After Phacoemulsification [J]. Prog Ophthalmol, 2020, 40(09): 801-805.
[36]KOLTZENBURG M, WALL P D, MCMAHON S B. Does the right side know what the left is doing?[J]. Trends Neurosci, 1999,22(3):122-127.
[37]DRINOVAC VLAH V, BACH-ROJECKY L. Mirror-Image Pain Update: Complex Interactions Between Central and Peripheral Mechanisms[J]. Mol Neurobiol, 2024,61(11):1-18.
[38]GIANNACCARE G, BERNABEI F, PELLEGRINI M, et al. Bilateral morphometric analysis of corneal sub-basal nerve plexus in patients undergoing unilateral cataract surgery: a preliminary in vivo confocal microscopy study[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2021,105(2):174-179.
[39]GIANNACCARE G, PELLEGRINI M, TARONI L, et al. Longitudinal Morphometric Analysis of Sub-Basal Nerve Plexus in Contralateral Eyes of Patients with Unilateral Neurotrophic Keratitis[J]. Curr Eye Res, 2019,44(10):1047-1053.
[40]MA J, WEI S, JIANG X, et al. Evaluation of objective visual quality in dry eye disease and corneal nerve changes[J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2020,40(11):2995-3004.
[41]AL-AQABA M A, DHILLON V K, MOHAMMED I, et al. Corneal nerves in health and disease[J]. Prog Retin Eye Res, 2019,73:100762.
[42]VAN DE DONK T, VAN VELZEN M, DAHAN A, et al. Cornea nerve fibre state determines analgesic response to tapentadol in fibromyalgia patients without effective endogenous pain modulation[J]. Eur J Pain, 2019,23(9):1586-1595.
[43]ROBERTS T V, HODGE C, SUTTON G, et al. Comparison of Hill-radial basis function, Barrett Universal and current third generation formulas for the calculation of intraocular lens power during cataract surgery[J]. Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2018,46(3):240-246.
[44]MELLES R B, HOLLADAY J T, CHANG W J. Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Calculation Formulas[J]. Ophthalmology, 2018,125(2):169-178.
[45]TURNBULL A, BARRETT G D. Using the first-eye prediction error in cataract surgery to refine the refractive outcome of the second eye[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2019,45(9):1239-1245.
[46]COVERT D J, HENRY C R, KOENIG S B. Intraocular lens power selection in the second eye of patients undergoing bilateral, sequential cataract extraction[J]. Ophthalmology, 2010,117(1):49-54.
[47]MAO Y, LI J, XU Y, et al. Refractive outcomes of second-eye adjustment methods on intraocular lens power calculation in second eye[J]. Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2021,49(9):1009-1017.
[48]MUTHAPPAN V, PASKOWITZ D, KAZIMIERCZAK A, et al. Measurement and use of postoperative anterior chamber depth of fellow eye in refractive outcomes[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2015,41(4):778-784.
[49]MECHLEB N, DEBELLEMANIèRE G, GAUVIN M, et al. Using the First-Eye Back-Calculated Effective Lens Position to Improve Refractive Outcome of the Second Eye[J]. J Clin Med, 2022,12(1):184.
[50]ALLIANCE N G. Cataracts in Adults: Management. NICE guideline NG77, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2017. Available from:
[51]JIVRAJKA R V, SHAMMAS M C, SHAMMAS H J. Improving the second-eye refractive error in patients undergoing bilateral sequential cataract surgery[J]. Ophthalmology, 2012,119(6):1097-1101.
[52]Chinese Ophthalmological Society Cataract and Refractive Surgery Group. Guidelines for Cataract Extraction Surgery in Adults in China (2023) [J]. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2023, 59(12): 977-987.
[53]KOGAWA S, SUZUKI Y, FURUKAWA A, et al. Bilateral simultaneous endophthalmitis after immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep, 2023,32:101886.
[54]HENDERSON B A, SCHNEIDER J S. Same-day cataract surgery should not be the standard of care for patients with bilateral visually significant cataracts [J]. Survey of Ophthalmology, 2012, 57(6): 414-428.
[55]ALIO J L, GESSA-SORROCHE M G, NOWROUZI A. Immediate bilateral sequential cataract surgery [J]. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol, 2022, 97(7): 402-408.
[56]O'BRIEN J J, GONDER J, BOTZ C, et al. Immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery versus delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery: potential hospital cost savings[J]. Can J Ophthalmol, 2010,45(6):596-601.
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[2]LI J X, SUN Y J, WANG J, et al. Clinical Effectiveness and Efficiency Analysis of Phacoemulsification in the Treatment of Cataract Patients [J]. Syst Med, 2022, 7(16): 73-76.
[3]FENG J J, YAO L, AN L, et al. Analysis of the Outcomes and Influencing Factors of Cataract Extraction Surgery in China [J]. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2021, 57(01): 63-70.
[4]PARDHAN S. Binocular performance in patients with unilateral cataract using the Regan test: binocular summation and inhibition with low-contrast charts[J]. Eye (Lond), 1993,7(Pt1):59-62.
[5]JI Q S, SUN S Q, WEN Y C. Comparison of Pain and Cooperation in Bilateral Cataract Surgeries [J]. Anhui Med Pharm J, 2017, 21(07): 1209-1212.
[6]JIANG L, ZHANG K, HE W, et al. Perceived Pain during Cataract Surgery with Topical Anesthesia: A Comparison between First-Eye and Second-Eye Surgery[J]. J Ophthalmol, 2015,2015:383456.
[7]SHI C, YUAN J, ZEE B. Pain Perception of the First Eye versus the Second Eye during Phacoemulsification under Local Anesthesia for Patients Going through Cataract Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis[J]. J Ophthalmol, 2019,2019:4106893.
[8]SELLA R, LIAN R R, ABBAS A A, et al. Evaluating the accuracy of a cataract surgery simulation video in depicting patient experiences under conscious anesthesia [J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2023, 43(12): 4897-4904.
[9]AKKAYA S, ÖZKURT Y B, AKSOY S, et al. Differences in pain experience and cooperation between consecutive surgeries in patients undergoing phacoemulsification[J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2017,37(3):545-552.
[10]YAO K, WANG W. A 70-Year Review of Cataract Diagnosis and Treatment Technology in China [J]. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2020, 56(5): 4.
[11]ZHANG F, WANG J H, ZHAO M S. Dynamic monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 level as predictors of perceived pain during first and second phacoemulsification eye surgeries in patients with bilateral cataract[J]. BMC Ophthalmol, 2021,21(1):133.
[12]ZHANG Y, DU Y, JIANG Y, et al. Effects of Pranoprofen on Aqueous Humor Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Level and Pain Relief During Second-Eye Cataract Surgery[J]. Front Pharmacol, 2018,9:783.
[13]FAN Z, FAN C, QI B, et al. Sympathetic Nerve-Mediated Fellow Eye Pain During Sequential Cataract Surgery by Regulating Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor CSF3[J]. Front Cell Neurosci, 2022,16:841733.
[14]ŁUGOWSKA D, KONOPINSKA J, MARIAK Z, et al. Comparison of Subjective Preoperative Experiences of Patients Before First- or Second-Eye Cataract Surgeries[J]. Clin Ophthalmol, 2020,14:2883-2889.
[15]LIU P, ZHANG S, GENG Z, et al. Factors affecting pain in patients undergoing bilateral cataract surgery[J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2020,40(2):297-303.
[16]GAYADINE-HARRICHAM Y, AMZALLAG T. Prevalence and causes of pain after cataract surgery: Comparison of 1st and 2nd eyes[J]. J Fr Ophtalmol, 2017,40(6):505-511.
[17]ZHU X J, WOLFF D, ZHANG K K, et al. Molecular Inflammation in the Contralateral Eye After Cataract Surgery in the First Eye[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2015,56(9):5566-5573.
[18]CHEN Y, ZHANG Y, SUN K, et al. Higher TGF-β2 Level in the Aqueous Humor of the Second Eye Versus the First Eye in the Course of Sequential Cataract Surgery[J]. Ocul Immunol Inflamm, 2020,28(3):439-445.
[19]YANG R, LIU C, YU D, et al. Correlation between Hyperalgesia and Upregulation of TNF-α and IL-1β in Aqueous Humor and Blood in Second Eye Phacoemulsification: Clinical and Experimental Investigation[J]. J Immunol Res, 2021,2021:7377685.
[20]TANG J, LIU H, SUN M, et al. Aqueous Humor Cytokine Response in the Contralateral Eye after First-Eye Cataract Surgery in Patients with Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma, High Myopia or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus[J]. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 2022,27(7):222.
[21]GONG X, REN Y, FANG X, et al. Substance P induces sympathetic immune response in the contralateral eye after the first eye cataract surgery in type 2 diabetic patients[J]. BMC Ophthalmol, 2020,20(1):339.
[22]RAJPAL R K, ROEL L, SIOU-MERMET R, et al. Efficacy and safety of loteprednol etabonate 0.5% gel in the treatment of ocular inflammation and pain after cataract surgery[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2013,39(2):158-167.
[23]GONçALVES DOS SANTOS G, DELAY L, YAKSH T L, et al. Neuraxial Cytokines in Pain States[J]. Front Immunol, 2019,10:3061.
[24]HUI N, YU L, QU L, et al. Cytokines in aqueous humor of patients with congenital cataract during delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery. BMC Ophthalmol[J]. England:BioMed Central,2023,23(1):490.
[25]ZHAO Y, DENG X, CHANG P, et al. Expression Profiles of Inflammatory Cytokines in the Aqueous Humor of Children after Congenital Cataract Extraction[J]. Transl Vis Sci Technol, 2020,9(8):3.
[26]CERIOTTI F, PANTEGHINI M. The Quality of Laboratory Results: Sources of Variability, Methods of Evaluation, and Estimation of Their Clinical Impact [J]. Clin Lab Med, 2023, 43(12): 57-61.
[27]COX C. Bead-Based Multiplex Immunoassays: Procedures, Tips, and Tricks[J]. Methods Mol Biol, 2021,2261:263-276.
[28]GROSS J, WILLIMSKY E, WEGENER A R, et al. Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure of One Eye Stimulates Sympathizing Expression of Neurokinin-1 Receptor but Not Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in the Partner Eye[J]. Ophthalmic Res, 2020,63(1):59-71.
[29]EDWARDS M, DAI R, AHMED S A. Our Environment Shapes Us: The Importance of Environment and Sex Differences in Regulation of Autoantibody Production[J]. Front Immunol, 2018,9:478.
[30]FANG L, LI Q, TANG J C, et al. Study on the Immune Response of the Contralateral Eye Induced by Phacoemulsification Cataract Extraction Combined with Intraocular Lens Implantation (in English) [J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2020, 20(10): 1667-1672.
[31]THOM S R, BHOPALE V M, YU K, et al. Neutrophil microparticle production and inflammasome activation by hyperglycemia due to cytoskeletal instability[J]. J Biol Chem, 2017,292(44):18312-18324.
[32]CORRêA-SILVA S, ALENCAR A P, MORELI J B, et al. Hyperglycemia induces inflammatory mediators in the human chorionic villous[J]. Cytokine, 2018,111:41-48.
[33]GAUSE W C, ROTHLIN C, LOKE P. Heterogeneity in the initiation, development and function of type 2 immunity[J]. Nat Rev Immunol, 2020,20(10):603-614.
[34]VALEYEV N V, HUNDHAUSEN C, UMEZAWA Y, et al. A systems model for immune cell interactions unravels the mechanism of inflammation in human skin[J]. PLoS Comput Biol, 2010,6(12):e1001024.
[35]YANG R B, YU D, MOU P Y, et al. Relationship Between the Expression Changes of TNF-α and IL-1β in Aqueous Humor and Serum of the Non-Surgical Eye and the Corneal Sensitivity Changes in Rabbit Eyes After Phacoemulsification [J]. Prog Ophthalmol, 2020, 40(09): 801-805.
[36]KOLTZENBURG M, WALL P D, MCMAHON S B. Does the right side know what the left is doing?[J]. Trends Neurosci, 1999,22(3):122-127.
[37]DRINOVAC VLAH V, BACH-ROJECKY L. Mirror-Image Pain Update: Complex Interactions Between Central and Peripheral Mechanisms[J]. Mol Neurobiol, 2024,61(11):1-18.
[38]GIANNACCARE G, BERNABEI F, PELLEGRINI M, et al. Bilateral morphometric analysis of corneal sub-basal nerve plexus in patients undergoing unilateral cataract surgery: a preliminary in vivo confocal microscopy study[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2021,105(2):174-179.
[39]GIANNACCARE G, PELLEGRINI M, TARONI L, et al. Longitudinal Morphometric Analysis of Sub-Basal Nerve Plexus in Contralateral Eyes of Patients with Unilateral Neurotrophic Keratitis[J]. Curr Eye Res, 2019,44(10):1047-1053.
[40]MA J, WEI S, JIANG X, et al. Evaluation of objective visual quality in dry eye disease and corneal nerve changes[J]. Int Ophthalmol, 2020,40(11):2995-3004.
[41]AL-AQABA M A, DHILLON V K, MOHAMMED I, et al. Corneal nerves in health and disease[J]. Prog Retin Eye Res, 2019,73:100762.
[42]VAN DE DONK T, VAN VELZEN M, DAHAN A, et al. Cornea nerve fibre state determines analgesic response to tapentadol in fibromyalgia patients without effective endogenous pain modulation[J]. Eur J Pain, 2019,23(9):1586-1595.
[43]ROBERTS T V, HODGE C, SUTTON G, et al. Comparison of Hill-radial basis function, Barrett Universal and current third generation formulas for the calculation of intraocular lens power during cataract surgery[J]. Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2018,46(3):240-246.
[44]MELLES R B, HOLLADAY J T, CHANG W J. Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Calculation Formulas[J]. Ophthalmology, 2018,125(2):169-178.
[45]TURNBULL A, BARRETT G D. Using the first-eye prediction error in cataract surgery to refine the refractive outcome of the second eye[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2019,45(9):1239-1245.
[46]COVERT D J, HENRY C R, KOENIG S B. Intraocular lens power selection in the second eye of patients undergoing bilateral, sequential cataract extraction[J]. Ophthalmology, 2010,117(1):49-54.
[47]MAO Y, LI J, XU Y, et al. Refractive outcomes of second-eye adjustment methods on intraocular lens power calculation in second eye[J]. Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2021,49(9):1009-1017.
[48]MUTHAPPAN V, PASKOWITZ D, KAZIMIERCZAK A, et al. Measurement and use of postoperative anterior chamber depth of fellow eye in refractive outcomes[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2015,41(4):778-784.
[49]MECHLEB N, DEBELLEMANIèRE G, GAUVIN M, et al. Using the First-Eye Back-Calculated Effective Lens Position to Improve Refractive Outcome of the Second Eye[J]. J Clin Med, 2022,12(1):184.
[50]ALLIANCE N G. Cataracts in Adults: Management. NICE guideline NG77, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2017. Available from:
[51]JIVRAJKA R V, SHAMMAS M C, SHAMMAS H J. Improving the second-eye refractive error in patients undergoing bilateral sequential cataract surgery[J]. Ophthalmology, 2012,119(6):1097-1101.
[52]Chinese Ophthalmological Society Cataract and Refractive Surgery Group. Guidelines for Cataract Extraction Surgery in Adults in China (2023) [J]. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2023, 59(12): 977-987.
[53]KOGAWA S, SUZUKI Y, FURUKAWA A, et al. Bilateral simultaneous endophthalmitis after immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep, 2023,32:101886.
[54]HENDERSON B A, SCHNEIDER J S. Same-day cataract surgery should not be the standard of care for patients with bilateral visually significant cataracts [J]. Survey of Ophthalmology, 2012, 57(6): 414-428.
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