Exploration of Collaborative Innovation Pathways in the Development of Clinical Pharmacy Faculty Teams

Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v5i3.2777

Li Li, Zhiyuan Fang, Tongfei Yang, Zhuo Li, Peng Zhang

Pharmacy Department, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China


Objective: To explore the collaborative innovation pathways for the development of clinical pharmacy faculty teams. Methods: Taking clinical pharmacy faculty in Shaanxi Province as the research subjects, the study investigates their current status and identifies existing issues. Based on these findings, collaborative innovation pathways for building clinical pharmacy faculty teams are proposed. The pathways are then implemented and evaluated to determine the final approach. Results: The proposed pathways include the establishment of collaborative bases for clinical pharmacy talent training, the creation of an internal mechanism for the collaborative development of clinical pharmacy faculty across multiple units, the development of a faculty training mechanism for instructors at clinical pharmacy internship bases, and the establishment of a collaborative incentive and competition mechanism combining universities and hospitals. Conclusion: This collaborative pathway meets the urgent needs of resource sharing, complementary strengths, cooperative problem-solving, and collaborative innovation. It aims to improve teaching quality and cultivate clinical pharmacy talents for society.


clinical pharmacy; faculty development; collaborative innovation pathways


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Copyright © 2024 Li Li, Zhiyuan Fang, Tongfei Yang, Zhuo Li, Peng Zhang

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