Treatment of 52 Cases of Hypospadias by Longitudinal Section of Urethral Plate and Coiled Tube Urethroplasty

Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v5i2.2326

Guoqing Yu

Binzhou People's Hospital, Binzhou 256601, Shandong, China


Objective: To investigate the indications and some problems in the treatment of hypospadias by longitudinal section of urethral plate and coiled tube urethroplasty. Methods: All the children were treated with longitudinal urethral plate section and coiled tube urethroplasty. Results: The penis of all the children showed the appearance after circumcision, with normal erectile function, urethral opening in the right position of the head of the penis, postoperative urethral fistula in 4 cases, urethral stenosis in 3 cases, ventral swollen penis in 5 cases, slight torsion of the penis in 2 cases, and slight downward curvature of the penis in 1 case. Discussion: For distal and middle types of hypospadias with low penile flexion and well-developed urethral plates, longitudinal section urethral plate incision urethral tube urethroplasty has good surgical effect, short operation time and fewer postoperative complications. It is a commonly used surgical method at present.


urethral plate; longitudinal coiled tube; hypospadias


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