Research on the Monitoring of Physiological Indexes of Freestyle Skiers before and after Competition
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v5i2.2310
In order to understand the physiological characteristics of freestyle skiers before and after the competition and the alteration in their physical functions, a series of physiological indexes related to sports and health of freestyle skiers before and after the competition were examined in this study. 12 excellent athletes aged 9-18 years-old preparing for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in the Hebei Provincial ski team were included. It was found that: 1. The average red blood cell volume, red blood cell distribution width, platelet distribution width, levels of glutamic pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and creatine sarcosidase in the athletes were significantly reduced after the competition. Glucose level in the athletes increased significantly after the competition. 2. The physiological indexes, such as the levels of urea, lipoprotein (a), creatine sarcosidase, testosterone and the ratio of testosterone to cortisol, are significantly different between the athletes of different genders before or after the competition; 3. The physiological indexes such as platelet count, platelet distribution width, the levels of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, cortisol and the ratio of testosterone to cortisol of skiers are significantly different between the athletes of younger and the elder age before or after the competition. It guides us to monitor the state and alterations of skiers according to the change patterns of these physiological indicators, so as to guide the exercise intensity and rehabilitation training of skiers.
skiing; before and after the competition; physiological indexes; sports; recovery
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